This week I added a page to the web site where I'll keep track of parts, consumables, and shop expenses, as I prep the MX-5 and try to become more competitive at autocross. Here's the link, but it's also accessible through the navigation area on the site's header.

A page like this was something that at least two of my friends suggested when I requested feedback on the site. They thought it would be a good way to show what might be involved as a new entrant in the sport, as far as costs and upgrades. Naturally the prep and tuning work I'll be doing on my Miata might not be exactly the same for others with different cars, but I'll bet there will be some significant similarities, at least for the street classes in SCCA-rules autocross.

Please take a look, and keep an eye on it as I update it. I hope it becomes useful.

In other news, I've been making small changes here and there to the site. Nothing groundbreaking, but definite "quality of life" improvements:

  • Ability to enlarge pictures in posts. Funny enough, I never realized you couldn't do that until a co-worker pointed it out to me. I need to put on my tester hat more often.
  • Cleaned up the footer links, and added social account links to the top nav bar.
  • Made the subscription dialogs and buttons not visible for subscribers. That cleaned up the display quite nicely.

Cheers, and enjoy the content. And feel free to add other suggestions and feedback in the comments area below.